Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hello Unnecessary Jails- Goodbye Environment

Canada's crime rate has fallen 17% in a decade, yet the Conservatives want to increase correctional services' budget 21% (500Million).. Oh and while they're at it, they're cutting Environment Canada's budget by $200 million... +2 points for Prison industrial complex, -2 points for the air we breath.. Way to go Canada, real good choice this last election. (http://bit.ly/lwYIcD) and (http://bit.ly/ag0Xr9)

And heres' the thing> i don't believe that because there's a Conservative majority that the majority of Canadians agree with the Republican style spending this govt will be doing. In fact, the majority of Canadians who voted did NOT vote for right-wing fear politics.

Let's not forget about the 6.5 Billion (of your money) Harper's spending on war toys which if not purchased could erase 1/5 of our deficit.....